Monday, March 12, 2007

BuSh's War will cost $2 BILLION, A WEEK with a B in 2007,
and $3BILION, A WEEK IN 2008.

Today's News & Questions & Comments
1-29 -07
Quotes from the Anti-BuSh's War Demostration -

"The Iraqis don't want us in Iraq, the American people don't want us in Iraq,"

"We need -- we demand -- leaders that we can follow, but they must be going somewhere to higher ground without fear,"

"We, the women of the United States have a very clear message for every single presidential candidate, including and especially [Sen.] Hillary Clinton -- pull out now. Get out of Iraq now,"

"We want to support the troops by bringing them home,"

They are going to build 30 Nuclear power plants with $8 BILLION in US Subsidies. *C - NOT good.

WSJ = Ethics Rulses = "house and senate" - "Hors d'oeuvres are excptions. So is "food that you have to eat standingup using a toothpick. *C - WMarts policy is - their buyers can even take a "Cup of Coffee".

1-28 - 07

*C - It is time to PUT CONSUMERS FIRST - We DESERVE CHANNEL CHOICE FROM CABLE TV - Several news articles about FCC.

Deadline - April 17 - For Income Tax Filing Is Later This Year
April 15th falls on a Sunday, and
federal officials are observing April 16 as a holiday -- Emancipation Day in the District of Columbia.
*C - That wouldn't matter if we had a - NATIONAL SALES TAX.
When the purchase is made, ALL Taxes are paid.

7-Eleven recognized several years ago that it was

in the financial services business
because its U.S. stores
sell $4.3 billion worth of money orders, and
their customers conduct 105 million ATM transactions annually.

Microsoft just gave home users a gift of three additional years of support. For XP Home and Media Center editions, the "extended support" clock continues ticking till 2014, the same as it does for business users.

223 million people have broadband

On Thursday, a labor union announced that 44 companies have been targeted by investors calling for a non-binding vote on how top executives are paid. Separately, a group of 13 institutional investors sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission asking the agency to consider requiring this of U.S. companies,
as is done in Great Britain and Australia.

YouTube = announced that they start sharing revenue with its millions of users.

BuSh wants another $10.6 BILLION with a B, for Afghanistan - *Q - Why don't we pull our troops out, and come home?

Caspian Sea Pipeline is still being discussed - *Q what is the holdup?

WSJournal = "CEO-to-workers pay 1 to 500 from 1 - 40 - *C and there are some that believer the Minimum Wage is hurting."
BuSh health plan "help Auto COMPANIES, but will HURT WORKERS."

AID's Annually infects 40 Million - 2006 2.9 died - *C - Condom Use might help.

*Q - WHY is BuSh going to give $770 MILLION to Lebanon?

NEW Congress will "Probe misleading Credit-card practices", and the "hazards of fine print".

20 Minutes after BuSh said he would DOUBLE THE STRATEGIC-PETROLEUM RESERVE - the price SHOT UP 20 cents a gallon.
One side of his mouth says - reduce the dependence on oil
the OTHER side of his mouth says - double the
*C - Taking an additional 700 million Barrels of oil off the market will RAISE THE PRICE OF GAS.

US Health Care is - 16% of GDP - "more than any other country"

*C = MY comments
*Q = MY Question

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